25 May 2020

A Fullness. A Calm. A Complete Happiness.

I went for a walk, enjoying the glorious sunshine, the warmth on my bare skin, the cool breeze in my hair, the tremendous sky, sparkling blue, clouds white and enormous. Iced coffee from a local café, I lay under gigantic tree and fell in love with every leaf, the vibrancy of a myriad shades of green blew my mind away. Thick, soft grass sprawled under my body, a luscious carpet, I watched shape-shifting clouds float by, I’m so comfortable I could sleep out here, on this plush grass, under this breath-taking sky. I felt my heart burst with joy! How can lying under a tree make me so happy? A perfect simple happiness, a fullness, an intense sense of well being, a calm, a satisfaction so complete. “I’m so grateful, so grateful” I repeated to myself, smiling, my eyes half-closed in dreaminess. I’m so grateful for all the beauty that surrounds me every single day.