14 Jun 2019

Bitten by a mosquito!

I jog early in the morning and take a leisurely walk early evenings; the weather in Cleveland Ohio has been lovely, warm with occasional showers. But that lovely warm slightly wet weather also means its mosquito season.

The female mosquito is vicious, she needs blood, preferably human blood, to lay her eggs. And on one of my daily walks I was bitten several times on my leg even though I was wearing leggings! The swelling, and the itching, and the pain, caused me to buy several soothing creams and insect replant.

I was interested in understanding why some people were more prone to mosquito bites, especially when I found that my daughter had not fallen victim to the tiny skinny brutal bloodsucker. I did a quick search and found that mosquitos prefer attacking people with type O blood (which is my blood type), and people with high levels of cholesterol, and those who produce high levels of uric acid (two things I hope I don’t have).

I thought the information was interesting and wanted to share it on Twitter, but felt awkward about writing such trivial facts when every tweet I read today was about how horrific the civil uprising in Sudan is, and how many innocent lives were claimed, women were raped, and injuries inflicted. Then there was the swarm of support for the latest Saudi women seeking asylum, being held against their will, and trying to escape, which has become a monthly recurrence on twitter. The disturbing news about some refugees kept in cages in the United States. And then there was the shocking news of the Kuwaiti government poisoning stray dogs!

The above isn’t a description of an overly dramatic day on twitter. Twitter is like this every single day. And it’s gotten to a point where if you’re not showing some kind of support for some kind of awful thing that’s happening in the world then you’re a heartless asshole!

I care. I genuinely care. I want the Sudanese people to overcome their unjust government. I want Saudi women seeking asylum from their violent patriarchal country to gain asylum in Canada. I don’t want refugees to be kept in cages in the U.S. And I most definitely hate that the shitty Kuwaiti government is poisoning dogs.

But I get on twitter every morning and all I see is pain and suffering, and I am tired. I have Compassion Fatigue, because I feel so deeply even when I don’t retweet, or post an angry response, or change my profile picture to the color a cause is asking its supporters to change it to. I know that cruelty and suffering will never end. As long as there will be twitter, the bad news of our lack of humanity will prevail. But sometimes I just want to say that I got bitten by a mosquito, and it’s fascinating to me that mosquitos target people with type O blood.