6 Apr 2018

arriving early

I wanted to capture my thoughts early
Before the veil of quiet, lifted off the face of morning
Before the first car pierced through, the mist of an uninhabited world
Still in my dreamlike state of mind
My inner peace like untrodden beach sand, before swimmers, and sunbathers pressed their feet upon it. 
Before the zip like sound of drawn blinds, I wasn’t yet ready for sunlight, for noise, for vigor, to shatter the virginity of pure dimness
I took care not to disturb the dishes on the rack, lest the racket of plates, the rattle of cutlery, dent the silent bubble still surrounding me
Gently, I filtered my strong Arabic coffee, straining the golden ground beans and cardamom seeds, its rich aroma rising and dancing like a seductive white genie, in the warm dark kitchen
To write before my thoughts are tainted by the day, before a word is spoken, before I ask my daughter what she'd like for breakfast, before the sloshing of heavily socked clothes in the machine

I imagine, this is what a poet-fisherwoman feels like, dropping her fine line, in a perfectly tranquil sheet of water, the slighted plop, the tiniest ripple. Not for want of a meal, but for the simple pleasure of knowing what nature can give you, when you arrive early.