From a Canvas Point of View
In the beginning there was so much possibility;
the mystery, the promise, kept him coming every night.
He sat before me; stroking me and
making me from his passion, creating me out of himself,
pouring into me his colors, his unreasonable angles
And I took.
His bull red frustration, his sky blue hope, his darkest
depressive grey,
Sometimes in anger,
sometimes in weakness,
sometimes in love.
Once outlines were drawn
his visits were less frequent.
The clearer I became
the less appealing.
When it was dark
he gazed at me in disdain
wishing I was farther than his imagination,
better than his talent
never once blaming his brush.
مِن وِجهة نَظَر
في البداية كانت تجرُّهُ إليَّ لهفته لما
كلُّ ليلةٍ يرميهِ في أحضاني غموضُ الآتي
يجلس أمامي و بفرشاته يخلِقنُي من نفسهِ و
يَنقُشُ أَضلُعُه و زواياه المبهمه و يصُبُّ فيَّ كلُّ ألوانه
غضبٌ أحمر
متوهجٌ ثائر
أزرقَ بارد واهن
محمول بغمام أمل واهم
أسودٌ أشدُّ حلوكةً و أشدُّ عمقاً من قُعرِ اليأس
تَتَصادم و تَختلِط بي وأَقبَلُها أنا دائماً
وما أن رُسِمت الحدود واتضحت الملامح
تباعَدت و فَتُرَت زيارتِه
كلما ازداد وضوحي وانطفىء غموضي
كلما نَقُصَ مَيلَهُ و انحلّت أَواصِرُهُ بي.
وجدتهُ ينظر
إليَّ في الظلام
بشيءٍ من الإزدراء
يتمنى لو كُنتُ أبعد من خيالهِ
لو كُنتُ أفضل مما تستطيعه موهبتهِ
لكنهُ لم يجرؤ يوماً على لَوم فُرشاه.